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ChristianFlatEarthMinistry.org is our website. Check out all the news and videos on the flat earth. If you like our work, you can show your support by going to the Donation page on the above website. Help keep us going. Thank you.

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123 Main Street
Atlanta, Ga 30312
Contact Information

+1 (123) 555-5555
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In the near future, we will be selling e-books on the flat earth along with other products or services that are appropriate. Watch for this page. Thanks.
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“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review
“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review
“Nothing drives your point home like a glowing testimonial from someone who is passionate about your brand.”

— Customer Review


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CFE Ministry